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My Quest for an authentic international buffet

London, the only place in the world with more restarants per head than any other. My little journey is all about quality , not quantity, so i'm going to share a little secret with you. I'm a fan of good buffet. International buffet, with food from india, china, the middle east , mongolia, africa, italy - you name it . i'll tell you where to get it. The only thing is finding as much of it as possible in one place. A buffet. 

Having trudged the entirety of liverpool street, chinatown and camden, i've made a list of my favourite places. So here it is.

Kitchin N1


8 Caledonia Street, Kings Cross

London, N1 9DZ


020 77138777

Since 2008, this place has been consistently producing quality and serving an every changing market and economy. Kitchin is probably the best choice today for the international theme as they produce food from China, Thailand, India, Italy and an assortment of other item from all over. One thing that sets Kitchin apart from other buffet restauraants is the fact that they focus on the quality of the food, unlike other establishments that simply mass produce food in an attemt to reach a figure of a hundred or so , just to look good. Kitchin is a restaurant first, the food tastes good all around, with some specials on Fridays and Saturdays, and many items cooked to a gourmet standard. 

Above , the massive salad bar, the authentic tandoori oven and the cold seafood spread. Yummy.

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